Gas station advertising solution

With wide coverage of gas station spots, you can reach a broad customer base throughout the state and throughout the country, Network System and Technology can put together a nationwide program across all of the major coverage.

Digital signage & TV at the gas pump is effective, economical and can be customized to meet the specific needs of a variety of industries. Our geo-targeting capabilities allow programs to be designed that can achieve broad coverage cost-effectively or can be tailored to only areas that meet your demographic needs.

More than ever, advertisers struggle to reach consumers that are on the go, distracted and are less likely to watch traditional television advertising than ever before. The gas pump LCD monitor aims to engage content to this “on the go” consumer audience while they are captive at the gas pump. The results are measurable and enjoy strong viewer recall. According to a survey, 89% of consumers who see digital television at the gas pump want to view the content and 73% recall seeing one or more ads. Nationwide, over 45 million people view digital out of home advertising at gas pumps each month while filling up. And according to Master Card, these visitors spend on average 35% more on the day they are filling up than on any other day of the week. There is no more effective way to reach advertisers! 

Advertising on local television excessively high costs, customers and car drivers are stuck with the same ad and limited to just a few channels, a few times per week, in a predefined market. When consumers are in their home, they have the ability to fast forward your advertisement and/or complete various tasks during commercial breaks.

So dynamic your gas pump content, it is a great effect if you have the consumer’s undivided attention for 3-5 minutes, and even 30s. The wider your coverage is, the more effective, your content plays thousands of times per month at multiple locations and can be updated with real-time information on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Most importantly, you choose where your advertisement is played, whether you want to target an individual town/city, a county, or the entire state.